
The joy of sharing : Intensives of Yoga, Feldenkrais, Pilates and more to come! Keep in touch!

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  • DOXTUDIO - STUDIO 1 7 Dok-Noord Gent, Vlaanderen, 9000 Belgium (map)

Feldenkrais - the moving pelvis


Capture d’écran 2018-09-18 à 23.38.01.png

Had a rough week? Did you dance for evenings in a row? Or were you stuck to your desk for days? 

Then it's time to take care of your body. Bodywork focuses on relaxation, recovery and calming down. You gain more insight in your body structure. We learn how to offer ourselves and each other relaxing and refreshing moments bodywork in different approaches. 

Highly recommended for every dancer and generally for everybody. Extra interesting if you combine it with the danslabo just before!

About Feldenkrais:

The Feldenkrais Method® Developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, uses gentle movement and directed attention to help people learn new and more effective ways of living and moving. You can increase your ease and range of motion, improve your flexibility and coordination, and rediscover your innate capacity for graceful, efficient movement. Since how you move, is how you move through life, these improvements will often enhance your thinking, emotional regulation, and problem solving capabilities. The Feldenkrais Method is based on principles of physics, biomechanics, and an empirical understanding of learning and human development.

In this session we will explore the joy and layers of moving the pelvis. Exploring its shape and its motion. Discovering the hidden heavy bone, which is very present and meaningful in our body. Listening to its nuances and pathways. The pelvis connected to the motion of the legs and spine, where a lot of pressure can be found. When using gently its capacity, it can be a door for range of movement freedom and joy. We will be working individually and in couples, using touch, to understand the body in different ways.



The class is quite soft so bring warm clothes and even a blanket to be as confortable as you can be! =)